Saturday, February 4, 2012

Alli - then and now.

One of the greatest things about living in one area for a long time is getting to see your friends children grow up. Time just flies but nothing illustrates it better than watching a child you know and love grow into a full blown almost adult!

Alli - two years old.
Alli - seventeen and ready to graduate!

I've had the pleasure of knowing Alli since she was tiny.  We lived across the street from each other and her mom Kristen and I became good friends from almost the moment we met.  I remember Alli was so anxious to get going - she was so ready to walk that she grabbed her moms finger just about every moment she was awake to walk her around.  She was ready to get out and see the world even when she was two

Alli will graduate high school this year.  She has blossomed into just a a beautiful young woman. She is so full of life and enthusiasm.

Good luck sweetie in everything you do!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Calling all 2012 Seniors!

Feel free to forward or tag this to all the 2012 Seniors or moms of seniors that you know! Email barb at for an application.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Calling all 2012 Seniors!

Are you the next Senior Rep for Barb Sherer Photography.  Email me at and I will send you the application.




Your infant will never be as tiny,
your toddler will never be as cute,
and YOU will never have less wrinkles!!
