Sunday, July 10, 2011

Featured readers!

So I am just about as bad as you can get when it comes to making timely posts on my blog! How do you all do it? Have you ever read the Pioneer Woman's blog? Take a look at her website when you have an extra 20 hours or so. I have no idea how she manages to fit it all in. She has 5 sections on her blog that she posts on all. the. time. She is the author of a fantastic cookbook and a children's book that features their wacky family pet - a basset hound named Charlie. She travels all the time to book signings and to appear on Good Morning America. Now there's even going to be a TV show about her. Oh and on top of all that she has four kids that she HOME SCHOOLS and she gets up at some crazy time every morning when it's still dark to help her husband run a very busy ranch. Doesn't that make you just a little bit tired just reading about it?

I want to post more but I don't have that much material!! So how about helping me out? Do you know of someone that would like to be featured here with an interview and a little photo shoot? A local business or an entrepreneur? How about a charity that you believe in and want to give exposure to? Maybe a group of friends that together do something awesome? Or someone that has a talent or special gift that you admire? I'd love to start a series that features local folks. Email me some suggestions!

Stay tuned for Part ONE!


marsha kaye July 10, 2011 at 3:05 PM  

I love this Barb, you are soooo talented and I love your photography!




Your infant will never be as tiny,
your toddler will never be as cute,
and YOU will never have less wrinkles!!
